Step 1 - Desire
We do a visualization of the desired end result like we already have what we want.
Step 2 - Believe
We have a belief, "I manifest everything I desire!"
Step 3 - Receive
We allow our subconscious mind to guide us to the manifestation.
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The Trinity Formula is a revolutionary new method of manifesting all you desire.

You’ll be shocked and amazed at how easy yet powerful this formula is!


  • How believing in the manifesting formula itself is paramount.
  • Why underlying beliefs will prevent manifestations.
  • How to establish a firm belief that “I manifest everything I desire.”
  • How to talk to the universe for daily manifestations.
  • Why the wisdom of polar opposites means “Having our desired object” is connected and not far from “The absence of our desired object.”
  • How giving our minds some quiet time, allows us to receive important messages from the universe.
  • The revealing of Nicola Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 formula and how it gives you the key to the universe.
  • How this one simple truth can end your anxiety and simplify your entire life.
  • Why this book will give you more epic powerful wisdom assembled in one place than you could get in your entire lifetime.

The Trinity Formula’s 3 steps – Desire, Believe, Receive complete a circuit, the same way electricity must have a completed circuit.

In the explainer video below, you’ll see how the analogy of a light switch is likened to The Trinity Formula. It highlights the importance of each of the three steps, and how they form a complete circuit. This wisdom becomes one of the building blocks to forming a belief in the formula itself, which in turn, strengthens your belief that your desire will manifest.

Buy The Trinity Formula today and see how even the most hardened skeptics become believers!

Buy The Trinity Formula today which includes Powerful Wisdom Without Boundaries.

It’s a personal development alternative saving you literally thousands of hours of study. Nine epic life-changing tools to unlock your true power and limitless possibilities. We’ve shown eight of them here and there’s one more to surprise you with!

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